2003年 ヨーロッパ取材の旅


Galleria ASSISI

2003年秋 森田貴博&平井栄美
フランスからイタリアまでの取材 水彩画旅日記

Autumn, 2003
Kimihiro MORITA & Emi HIRAI 
France & Italia Travel Sketches

2003  2005  2006  2007   2009    2011   2013 2015 2017


*Kimihiro & Emi traveled "from South France to Middle Italy" Nice, S. Paul, Eze Village, Firenze, Ravenna, Assisi, Spello, Bevagna for 1 month
from October 24th to November 20th, 2003.  Here, you can find our water-colour sketches and diaries, with travel information.
You can see our painting and printing works at the STORIARE Exhibition.


10月28日 森田貴博
View from Hotel Notre-Dame (Nice)
Oct. 28 Kimihiro MORITA

Nice (フランス:France)


(October 25th to 28th)
We first went to Nice Cote d'Azur, where Emi had studied French 8 years ago.  The little local restaurant where Emi used to go wasn't there anymore, but the beautiful beaches and towns, and friendly people are still there.  Nothing has been changed.  We decided to stay in Nice, and traveled small villages near by.  We stayed at Hotel Notre-Dame, where we checked from American travel magazine.  There is a beautiful view from our room 403's veranda.  We enjoyed blighted French sunshine and the view.

Hotel Notre-Dame jyung@caramail.com
22 Rue de Russie Tel: Fax:
42ユーロ (ダブル・シャワー付き)
42euro (Double with shower)


10月26日 森田貴博
Saint Paul de Vence (France)
Oct. 26  Kimihiro MORITA

St. Paul (フランス:France)


(October 26th)
We visited "Saint Paul de Vence" where we could do a day trip by bus from Nice.  S. Paul is just like a shape of a ship, and famous for the tumb of Chagal.  All of the houses and streets were constructed by stones, and you can enjoy shopping.  There are lots of art galleries.  Artists are used to coming here to paint from long time ago.  All of the hotels are very high class to stay.  We looked for the places with view of the sea to do our sketches, and found the good one that you can see the picture (left).    It was quite difficult to do sketches in front of many tourists, but we avoided them and placed under the tree for the 2nd one.  Unfortunately, it was rain on our paper, and we were getting so cold.  We had hard time without warm cloths on us.  But nothing to do, and we just realized we are in Europe.


10月27日 森田貴博
Eze village (France)
Oct. 27 Kimihiro MORITA

Eze Village (フランス:France)


(October 27th)
Cloudy.  We visited Eze village by bus.  There is a street of Nitsche, philosopher, on the mountain.  Eze village is also top of the mountain and lots of stone houses gathered, but little smaller than S. Paul.  There are 2 hotels, which have very nice views from the hotel room windows, and that's why the people, who don't stay there, can not have views of the sea unfortunately.  There is a botanical garden on the top of the town, which you may see the view, but today, it was still under constructions.  Streets are too tiny to walk with 2 persons, and we decided to place outside of the village.  Just our sketches have done, there was rain and we were getting so cold.  Our sketches were safe somehow.  We waited our bus in the cafe in front of the bus stop.


10月30日 森田貴博
Firenze Panorama from Boboli Garden
Oct. 30  Kimihiro MORITA

Firenze (イタリア:Italia)

ニースからフィレンツェまでは列車に乗り、途中モナコのトンネル事故では荷物をもって線路を歩くというハプニングもあった。ミラノ経由でフィレンツェにやっと着いたのは、既に夕暮れ時だった。フィレンツェではいつもサンタ・マリア・ノヴェッラ地区の清潔な安宿 Hotel Giappone に泊まる。駅から5分。10月30日には早速スケッチ取材地を探し、ボボリ庭園の上からフィレンツェを眺めた。雨も降っていたので、木の下でスケッチしていると、そのうち空が晴れてきて、一層美しいフィレンツェの街の遠望を楽しみながら取材をした。

(October 29th to November 6th)
From Nice, we took a train until Monaco, where we had to walk with our baggage on the railway because of a tunnel accident.  We changed our train at Milano, and arrived Firenze in the evening.  Every time we went to Firenze, we always stayed at the same hotel, Hotel Giappone, just 5 minutes walk from the station.  On the next day, we visited Boboli Garden to do our sketches under the tree.  There was rain in the beginning, but getting shiny and blue sky, and we could see the beautiful view from the garden and enjoyed our work. 

Hotel Giappone www.hotelgiappone.com  
Via dei Banchi 1  Tel: Fax:
60ユーロ (ダブル・シャワー付き)
60euro (Double with shower)


イル・リモーネの部屋 (ラヴェンナ)
11月2日 平井栄美
Il Limone (Ravenna)
Nov. 2  Emi HIRAI

Ravenna (イタリア:Italia)

フィレンツェに滞在している間、5世紀から6世紀につくられたモザイク(世界遺産)で有名なラヴェンナに一泊スケッチ取材に行くことにした。このラヴェンナは、どの旅行情報誌を調べてみても”ホテルは高い”とあるので、ツーリストインフォメーションに行って安宿を紹介してもらった。B&B Il Limone(イル・リモーネ)は、家庭の1階の部屋がB&Bになっており、赤を基調に薔薇模様の調度品が程よくアクセントになっている。まずは「サン・ヴィターレ教会」「ガッラ・プラチーディア廟」「オネニアーノ洗礼堂」「大司教博物館」(共通券6.50ユーロ)のモザイクを観た。この後、サン・フランチェスコ教会に行ってダンテの墓に寄った。ランプの油はダンテを追放したフィレンツェから今も送られている。

(November 2nd to 3rd)
During our stay in Firenze, we visited Ravenna, where is famous for mosaic created about the 5C to 6th, recognized by World Heritage.  Every travel magazine says "only high class hotels in Ravenna", and we were worried to stay there, but the tourist information could find a reasonable B&B Il Limone for us.  Il Limone is very pretty with blight red decoration and roses.  We went to see mosaic at Saint Vitale Church, Galla Placidia, Batiste Neoniano, Arcivescovado (Ticket: 6.50 euro).  And then, we went to St. Francesco church and Dante's tumb.  Oil for the lamp has been contributed by Firenze which banished him.

B&B Il Limone(イル・リモーネ) charlottenburg@libero.it
Via Scaletta 9 Ravenna Tel: 3298999403 
62ユーロ (ダブル・シャワートイレ付き朝食二人分込み)
62euro (Double, shower & toilet including 2 breakfasts)

ジョヴァンニ・バッカーニ 古い額屋(フィレンツェ)
油絵 森田貴博
Giovannni Baccani, frame shop (Firenze)
oil on canvas, Kimihiro MORITA

Firenze (イタリア:Italia)

ラヴェンナからファエンツェ経由でフィレンツェに帰り着き、以後3泊Hotel Giapponeに投宿しながら制作と仕入れを行う。額縁の仕入れは昨年から取引のあるジョヴァンニ・バッカーニ。サンタ・トリニタ近くのヴィーニャ・ヌォーヴァ通りに面する、創業1903年の古い額縁屋だ。店主のジョヴァンニは3代目で、先代2人も同じ名前。低い美声を持つ店主が優しく接してくれる。店の歴史やフィレンツェ、トスカーナ地方の歴史を教えてもらう。

(November 3rd to 6th)
We came back to Hotel Giappone, Firenze via Faenza from Ravenna, and we went to Giovanni Baccani, where we had contact since last year, to lay in beautiful hand made Firenze antique style frames.  The shop was founded since 1903, located in Via della Vigna Nuova, near S. Trinita.  Giovanni is its owner from his grandfather as the same name as Giovanni.  He is very gentle and explained about history of his shop, Firenze and Toscana region.


Giovanni Baccani (ジョヴァンニ・バッカーニ)
Via della Vigna Nuova,75r.  Tel:
*Galleria ASSISI でフレームを販売中

11月7日 森田貴博
S. Damiano (Assisi)
Nov. 7  Kimihiro MORITA

Assisi (イタリア:Italia)


(November 6th to 10th)
We arrived Assisi via Cortona from Firenze.  Every time we came to Assisi, we always feel released to see the pale rosy stone houses.  People in Assisi are very kind and gentle, maybe because of the town of the peace.  We met our old friends and spent our 10 days here. Here in Asissi, "our Italian family", the Marinelli has shops, one in Via S. Francesco, and another in Via Fontebella.  His T-shirts are very popular for souvenir for Assisi.  You can take your favorite design on your favorite T-shirt in this shop.  It takes only 30 seconds for printing.  (from 19 euro)

・T-SHIRT T-SHOPS assisi 
Via S.Francesco,20/D.  Tel: 075.816599 www.fraema.it
Via Fontebella,34. Tel:075.8155155 www.assisitshirt.com

11月7日 森田貴博 
Assisi Panorama (Assisi)
Nov. 7  Kimihiro MORITA 

Assisi (イタリア:Italia)


In Assisi, one of our friends is an artist, Alberto.  He is very quiet and gentle, and has an art gallery and studio in Piazza del Comune.  You can see his oil paintings and prints there, and find the paintings very Umblian style and blight.

Alberto Scarabattoli studio d'arte la galleria
Piazza del Comune,39. Tel:0368.7210349

11月10日 森田貴博
Via Porta Chiusa 2nd  (Spello)
Nov. 10  Kimihiro MORITA

Spello (イタリア:Italia)


(November 10)
We take a train for Foligno departing 9:46 from Assisi, and got off the train at Spello at 9:56.  We walked up of the hill for the central via Consorale gate seeing Roman ruin.  There aren't many tourists like Assisi, even though they have a same rosy stone houses from Mt. Subasio.  That's why it's easy for us to do our sketches.  In Spello, there are beautiful fresco paintings by Pinturicchio in S. M. Maggiore church.  He is one of Perugino's students, and Raffaello's brother student.

"Adoration of Child Jesus" by Pinturicchio

"Madonna and Child with Saints " 
by Pinturicchio & Eusebio da San Giorgio


11月14日 森田貴博
Via dell'Anfiteatro (Bevagna)
Nov. 14  Kimihiro MORIT

La Valchiera
Francesco Proietti
Via dell'Anfiteatro, 7, 06031 Bevagna. Tel:0742-361189


Bevagna (イタリア:Italia)

この日は中世の紙作りが今も行われているというベヴァーニャに訪れ、スケッチ取材と紙の仕入を行う。アッシジ駅からフォリーニョ駅までは列車。ベヴァーニャまではバス。小さな街なので15分もあれば端まで行くことができる。チェントロにあるツーリスト・インフォメーションで地図をもらいLa Valchiera(ラ・ヴァルキエラ紙工房)のあるアンフィテアトロ通りに行くと工房は3:30まで閉まっているという。イタリアではよくあること。午後に訪れることにして、お昼にチェントロのコンソーリ宮の階段下に座っていると上から声がする。振り返ると韓国男性キムがコンソーリ宮で行われているオペラのコンクールリハーサルを見学できるというので、中を見学させていただくことになった。美しい歌声を聴いてここがイタリア・カンツォーネの国だったことを再認識。

(November 14th)
We visited Bevagna, where is famous for Medieval paper craft.  We took a train to Foligno and a bus to Bevagna.  We need only 15 minutes to walk the main street to the end of the town.  We firstly went to Tourist Information to ask for the paper studio, and went to La Valchiera, but the studio was closed until 3:30.  It is quite normal in Italy.  We decided to go back to the center and having our lunch.  We sat on the star of Consoli Palace, and heard somebody voice calling us.  It was a Korean guy asking us to visit the palace to listen to the opera rehearsal.  It was such a beautiful palace and its singing voice mexed, and we realized that we were just in the middle of the country of Canzone.  We went back to La Valchiera paper studio in the afternoon, sketching the houses until the studio was open.  We then met Francesco, the master of Medieval paper craft.  He demonstrated and explained how the paper is created.  The technique was imported from China, he said.




11月16日 森田貴博
Via Inforiore S. Andrea (Assisi)
Nov. 16  Kimihiro MORITA

Assisi (イタリア:Italia)


(November 8th to 12th)
Another friends of us in Assisi, Lanfranco CARLI owns an art gallery "Primo Piano" and Room rent "Camere CARLI.".  His cousin, Claudio is an artist.  Lanfranco deals with his paintings and a world famous artist Norberto's works.  We stayed 3 nights at his pleasant rental room, which is close to Piazza S. Rufino.  The apartment was originally built as a noble family Sylvester. 

・CAMERE CARLI di Carli Lanfranco
Via Porta Perlici,1.Assisi  Tel:075.812490
37〜41ユーロ (ダブル・トイレシャワー付)
・Primo Piano
Piazza S.Rufino Assisi Tel:075.812490 
email: carliarte@hotmail.com


11月15日 森田貴博
Piazza Commune view from Hotel Pallotta
Nov. 15  Kimihiro MORITA

Assisi (イタリア:Italia)


(November 13th to 16th)
Then, we stayed Hotel Pallotta (two stars) from the night of 13th, moving from Camere CARLI.  In the hotel, there are Carli's panting works on the wall.  We went up to the top floor "Bellvedere" to see the beautiful views of Assisi.  We sat on the sofa and enjoyed sketches from the room windows, especially the rainy days.

Via S.Rufino,6. Tel:075.812307,Fax:075.812307
www.pallottaassisi.it  email: pallotta@pallottaassisi.it
54ユーロ (ダブル・トイレシャワー付)
54 euro  (Double with shower & toilet)

11月17日 平井栄美
S. Francesca Romana (Roma)
Nov. 17  Emi HIRAI

Roma (イタリア:Italia)

17日、アッシジ9:05発フォリーニョ行き列車に乗り、9:42発ローマ行きに乗り換え、11:04にローマ着。ローマ駅から近くのPensione TOKYOへ泊まる。駅から近くで安いところで探してここにしたが、辛気臭い。2泊限りの我慢だと思い、早速スケッチ取材を開始する。まずはフォロ・ロマーノ敷地内へ入りスケッチをする。温かい晴れた日だったのが、急に雨が降り始め空がどんよりと曇ってきた。この日はイラク戦争で亡くなったイタリア兵の追悼式を「V・エマヌエーレ2世記念堂」で行っており、ヴェネチア通りは50万人が献花にローマへ集まってきている。市内は大混乱。カラヴァッジョの絵のあるサン・ルイージ・デイ・フランチェーズィ教会も閉鎖されており、この日は夜パンテオンを訪れる。

(November 17th to 18th)
On the 17th, we took a train for Foligno at 9:30 from Assisi, and then changed the 9:42 train for Roma, and then arrived Roma at 11:04.  We stayed Pensione TOKYO, very close to Termini station, but the room is very old and not comfortable.  We firstly, visited Foro Romano and sketches there.  It was such a sunny day, but suddenly, getting rainy in the end of our sketches.  On this day, there were a ceremony at V Emanuele 2nd for the Italian solders, who died in the Iraq War.  People are packed in Via Venetia to contribute flowers for the ceremony.  We wanted to see the Caravaggio's wall paintings in S. Luigi dei Francesi church, but we were not allowed to pass the street on that day.

Pensione TOKYO
Via Marsala, 64, Roma  Tel:06-4450365
40ユーロ (ダブル・シャワートイレ別) 
40 euro  (Double without shower & toilet)

11月17日 森田貴博
Foro Romano (Roma)
Nov. 17  Kimihiro MORITA

11月18日 平井栄美
La Taverna de Merucanti (Roma)
Nov. 18  Emi HIRAI




In the morning of the 18th, We went out from the hotel, it was a wormy sunny day.  We regretted to wear our thick jackets.  We again walked toward to Foro Romano, and visited S. M. in Cosmedin to take a photo of Mouth of Truth "Vocca della Verita" like Audrey Heppburn's "Roman Holiday".  We then visited Trastebere area, where we wanted to do sketches from last year.  Trastebere has lots of restaurants and very busy during night time, but quiet during day time.  We chose one old restaurant, "La Taverna de Merucanti" to do a sketch, standing opposite side, but it was so hard to do it, as lots of cars stopping just in front of the restaurant for food delivery.  After 3 hours, we finished, and then went to S. Luigi dei Francesi church again to appreciate Caravaggio's wall paintings, "Vocation of S. Mathew" finally.  The paintings are the world master peaces and still vivid nowadays.  

"life of St.Matthew" oil paintings by Caravaggio

Toren Steeg, AMSTERDAM
Y2004 158x227(SM)
oil on canvas
Kimihiro MORITA

Amsterdam (オランダ:Holland)


(November 20th to 21st)
On the 20th, we took a train for Fiumicino airport from Termini station in Roma. We finished check-in, and went to the gate, and then took one of the buses to the aircraft.  We felt quite sentimental to go back to Japan in the bus, but something strange happening to us, we thought.  Our bus took us to the wrong aircraft by mistake.  Why?  But anyway, we were taken back to the gate for KLM desk.  After all of the troubles, we finally took an airplane for Amsterdam.  On that day, there were a football game "Scotland vs Holland" in Amsterdam.  Full of Scottish supporters were in the town drinking beers and it was such a caos.  We were so tired at the night and slept.


Y2004 273x220(F3)
oil on canvas
Kimihiro MORITA

Amsterdam (オランダ) 

21日朝、KittyというPlantage Middenlaan地区にある安宿を出る。午後4時25分発KLM(香港・台北経由)なので時間がある。トラム(6番)で国立美術館・ゴッホ美術館前で下車。美術館開館時刻までカフェで時間を潰して入館する。フェルメール、レンブラント、ハルスなどの傑作を見学して回る。じっくりと2時間半かけて見学後、徒歩でアンネ・フランクの家を探しに出かける。PRINSEN-GRACHTという運河前に何気なく建つ建築群の一つで、これといった特徴もない素朴な建物だ。外から眺めた後、ゆっくりと駅まで進み、電車で15分程かけてアムステルダム・スキポール空港に到着。帰途に着く。

In the morning of the 21st, we were out of the hotel Kitty located in Plantage Middenlaan.  Our flight was in the late afternoon, 4:25pm, and we decided to walk around the town.  We took a tram to RIJKS Museum, and then waiting for the museum to open until 10:00, having a cup of coffee in a cafe.  We saw Vermeer, Rembrandt, and Hals for 2 & a half hours.  Then we walked around the Amsterdam town and saw Anne Frank's house, which was just one of the ordinal apartments in the center.  It was such happenings to stay a night in Amsterdam, but finally we accepted the fact, and enjoyed our destiny there.


After the travel



2003年11月30日 森田貴博&平井栄美

Every time we do travel sketches in abroad, we found the new impressions and discoveries each time, and we always think that we should go back there in the future to study again.  It was the second travel to Europe for us together, and we compare with different countries, cities and towns, which was so interesting for our work.

At this travel, we visited South France first, and found the both similarities and differences between France and Italy.  Sometimes, we changed our original plan, because we tried to hear our friends' advices such as where we should go to see and so on.  We wanted to go to Fabriano where usually standing for papers, but our friend told us to go to Bevagna near Assisi instead, to research Medieval paper craft.  We were lucky somehow to learn so many things from local residences.  We also learned we should hear what the local residences say as advices.  The aim of our travel were simply to do sketches, but also to gain our mental parts as well.  

In fact,  we were supported by many local people, especially "Our Italian Family" and friends.  
We like to thank all of you.
November 30th, 2003   Kimihiro MORITA & Emi HIRAI

"Our Italian Family"